Luke 20:27-38

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Nov. 21, 2020



"Then came to him certain of the Sadducees, which deny that there is any resurrection; and they asked him, Saying, Master, Moses wrote unto us, If any man's brother die, having a wife, and he die without children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. There were therefore seven brethren: and the first took a wife, and died without children. And the second took her to wife, and he died childless. And the third took her; and in like manner the seven also: and they left no children, and died. Last of all the woman died also. Therefore in the resurrection whose wife of them is she? for seven had her to wife. And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection. Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him." Luke 20:27-38


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[0:00] We'll pick up reading in the book of Luke chapter 20 and we'll start reading the verse 27. It says, Then came to him certain of the Sadducees which deny that there is any resurrection.

[0:15] And they asked him saying, Master Moses wrote unto us, If any man's brother died having a wife and he died without children, that his brother should take his wife and raise up seed unto his brother. There were therefore seven brethren and the first took a wife and died without children, and the second took her to wife and he died childless. And the third took her and in lock manner the seven also and they left no children and died. Last of all the woman died also. Therefore in the resurrection whose wife of them is she? For seven had her to wife and Jesus answering said unto them the children of this world marry and are given in marriage, but they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world and in the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor given in marriage.

[1:16] Neither can they die anymore for they are equal unto the angels and are the children of God being the children of the resurrection. Now that the dead are raised even Moses showed at the bush when he called the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob for he is not a God of the dead but of the living for all live unto him. We'll stop reading right there. So again here we have Jesus Christ he's been approached by the certain of the Sadducees. The Sadducees most of the chief priests you can read in the book of Acts were Sadducees but the main thing about the Sadducees that differed them from the other sects of the leaders such as the Pharisees was that they did not believe in a resurrection. They didn't believe in a bodily resurrection of the dead which is brought up here in the passage that we just read but they come to Jesus and they present to him this question about seven brothers that one died or one married a woman he died and in lock manner all seven of them married this woman the woman dies and they were all childless that married this woman they said whose wife will she be in the resurrection as I've already said and as the scripture says they didn't believe in a resurrection so they were doing nothing more but trying to entrap Jesus trying to say would God really raise a man in adultery during this during this resurrection that you people speak of but Jesus puts them in his place puts these

[3:05] Sadducees in their place by giving them the answer that he did when he says you you don't understand the scriptures you you are greatly not knowing the scriptures and he says that the people he says the children of this world marry and are given in marriage but they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage so Jesus saying here that there is indeed an afterlife now folks something is something else you need to keep in mind as we talk about this this evening is the Sadducees paid most of their attention on the Pentateuch on the five books of Moses they didn't put much stock into the prophets they didn't put much stock into the historical books that we have in the old testament nor the political books of the old testament it was the five books of Moses that they laid most of their theology in so they wouldn't have uh they wouldn't have paid much attention to what we read in Psalms about resurrection or what we read in Daniel about resurrection they wouldn't have paid much attention so Jesus Christ here says that's fine i'll play ball in your court i'll play it on your side of the net how about when Moses when he was at the burning bush and it says the angel of the lord spoke to him out of that burning bush and he said i'm the god of Abraham i am the god of Isaac and i am the god of Jacob folks that word ham puts it in present tense Abraham Isaac and Jacob were long dead as far as their physical bodies were concerned but when he said i am the god of Abraham i am the god of your father that puts it in the present tense in other words i was their god when they were alive in their physical bodies i'm their god now they're with me hallelujah folks he says he is not the god of the dead but the god of the living

[5:14] Abraham Isaac and Jacob had a laugh and laugh everlasting and this part of the scripture that we were reading they had it when the god spoke about it to moses they will have it when we get there to be with them it's everlasting life it's eternal life and that's what Jesus is trying to get across to them here and what Jesus was doing he was rebuking these Sadducees he was he was rebuking them for having more stock and having more faith and an earthly life here doing what the what we do here on earth yes we married and yes we're given in marriage and yes we have babies and yes we have relationships with one another and yes we do all of these things but folks that is not the life i'm looking to when i get up yonder yeah we're gonna have relationship with god well have relationship with Jesus well that fellowship one with another i'm not saying those things won't happen but folks i don't think when we get up yonder it's gonna be much like the life that we live here that's what

[6:27] Jesus is rebuking here he's saying you're comparing you're comparing this resurrection that you don't even believe in you're comparing this resurrection with earthly life folks that life up yonder there's not going to be any comparison to we know very little in as far as scripture is concerned what our heavenly life is going to be like we know very little about the afterlife exactly what it's going to be like the scripture does not describe it to a team because we know as much about heavenly life as we do about heaven itself but i can promise you it will not be like our earthly lives are here and i thank god for that i thank god that there is no comparison just as Jesus was trying to get across to these Sadducees here just as Jesus told that told that it was a shame that they did greatly here that they messed up not knowing the scriptures these men these Sadducees they should have known the scriptures better than anyone but they didn't pay attention to what Daniel said in chapter 12 when he said that one day there will be many which sleep in the dust and some of them would rise under everlasting life and some of them would rise under shame and everlasting content folks that's old testament yes but it stands just as much now as it did there oh man they didn't pay attention to these things they and the Sadducees their minds said was Moses didn't really bring up resurrection we'll just stick with what he taught we'll stick with the things that Moses said we'll stick with our with him and folks Jesus puts them in their place here he says when he said i am the god of Abraham and i am the god of Isaac and i am the god of Jacob he was speaking in the present tense when he said that folks you flip on over there next to the chapter three not only did almighty god say that to moses but he told moses when you go and meet the elders of israel when you go to tell them hey i've sent you when you go to tell them you tell them that the god of their fathers the god of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob is the very one that sent you the same god that delivered them it's the same god that's delivering me now he has delivered delivered me into everlasting life hallelujah that's what we had to look forward to it's everlasting life he's not the god of the dead he's the god of the living folks the the song the devs on the night i thought i thought about when i was going to be preaching when she sung that song about some of the mountains are higher some of the rivers are wider you know why lost people have such a hard time in this life now listen i know these bazillionaires out there that we look at them we look at their lifestyle we say they can have anything they want they've got everything that they could possibly want they've got the cars they've got the houses they've got servants in their in their houses they've got people to bring them food people to bring them their cars they've got everything that they could possibly want but folks why is it that we hear about so much suicide out in hollywood why is it that the stars are strung out on dope are hung over every morning on their alcohol it's because they don't have everlasting life you know why they can't climb those mountains why they can't cross those rivers because dead people can't swim and they cannot climb mountains that's why they're dead i'm not dead i'm not dead only the living can do that my god is the god of the living and he made me alive i know i preached it here before when god found me he didn't find me struggling he didn't find me in a drowning state he found me already dead in my trespasses and my sin i was already dead in his eyes i was already dead spiritually but when god got me when he raised me up he resurrected me into life and everlasting life how hallelujah and when i got saved that's when everlasting life came into me jesus christ made his way into me jesus christ made his way into me by way of the holy ghost i got christ living in me i got the holy ghost in me i've got almighty god in me and god is life and christ is life and that best spirit he gots me in that life he helps me over the mountains he gets me through those waters for he's gone for that scripture and i say that says when that passes through the water how will we with thee and through the rivers they shall not over blow thee when that wonk is across the bar that shall not be burned neither shall the plane kingle upon thee that's my god that's how he takes care of me oh i'm alive and well with christ jesus he is helping me through this thing getting me across the rivers getting me across the bar i have nothing to worry about that's my god that's why i praise him that's why i love preaching about him that's why i like talking to people about him that's why i like singing songs unto him because he gave me life folks it wasn't just salvation that came in it was life that moved within me it was life that came into a dead soul that was on its way to hell life moved in jesus said i'm the way the truth and the life when he moved in i got life praise god hallelujah neither can they die anymore jesus tells them sad to see you folks when you really think about it now i know how we think how we think as humans i know how we think as natural people when we die there's no life there folks death to a christian is not is not a cessation of life it does not mean life has come to an end folks that's just the beginning for us that's the beginning of life like i said when i got saved everlasting life moved in it moved in on the inside and it's been in me ever since when when i die when this body dies hey that is not the end of life for me and folks it ain't the end of life for my body either my body's guaranteed by the scriptures to be raised again my god moved into me he is everlasting and my body my life and my soul will be everlasting look he flipped just a couple of chapters over from where we're at

[13:35] Luke 20 flip over to Luke 16 sometime read about the rich man read about Lazarus read about what happened to the rich man read about what happened to Lazarus he laid there just begging for crumbs from that rich man's table and it says that the Lazarus died and the rich man died it says that that rich man he buried sumptuously throughout his entire life but when they died it says that the Lazarus was carried by the angels and the Abraham's bosom and it says that the rich man looked in his eyes and held being in torment folks hey his life didn't end either the rich man was still alive he was alive enough to see Lazarus in Abraham's bosom he was alive enough to smell things he was alive enough to see things to taste things to feel the pain that was really his body he was alive folks death does not mean cessation of life it does not mean that it means we're going to one place or another and we're going to live while we're there we will live in hell we'll be in a state of forever dying while we're there we will die forever and ever and ever in hell but that doesn't mean all the pain goes away I know I know what some people say about sheo or Hades or hell in the Bible I know that some people say that that's nothing more than the grave folks hell is a literal place it's a literal place a torment it is a place where the worm dies not it's a place of everlasting torment like I said the rich man he could see things he said hey send Lazarus to my father's house I've got five brethren maybe if they saw a man coming that would have been resurrected from the dead maybe they believe but what did Abraham say he said no they had the law they have the prophets and that rich man said oh and if the if you just send Lazarus as one that had been resurrected they might believe he said if they don't believe the prophets if they don't believe the law they will not believe another though he be raised from the dead that's another account of resurrection another account of resurrection though he be raised from the dead folks Jesus was Jesus spoke that parable he spoke that and I think in a roundabout way he was speaking of himself when he spoke that Jesus Christ speaks to an entire lost world right now he speaks to us say folks too praise God but he speaks to an entire lost world as one that was raised from the dead because he was raised from the dead that third and that appointed morning he was resurrected and he has been resurrected ever since he has been resurrected by the spirit resurrected by himself resurrected by the father you say hey you want to the Bible says it all three ways but either way he's been resurrected eternally and he lives on the throne eternally he rules eternally folks that's my God that granted me this lie and I'm glad he's the god of the day he's not the god of the dead but the god of the living now some folks will take that scripture and they'll twist it they'll say that means he doesn't care about the dead folks I was dead and he came to where I was he came to that that lifeless place where I was and resurrected me so yes he cares about the dead if you're saved and born again he cared about you when you was dead he cared enough to come to wherever it was you were in what state whatever state you were in whatever moment of despair that it was he cared enough about your dead soul to resurrect it so don't tell me that Jesus doesn't care about the dead what did he tell the one that came to him and wanted to follow him he said he said let me first go and bury my father Jesus said let the dead bury their dead you follow me let the dead bury their dead folks if the dead want to continue on in this life I'm talking about this earthly life if they want to continue on in their ways you just let them I ain't saying quit witnessing to them and I'm saying quit telling about the gospel and quit telling them about Jesus but folks don't let it drag you so far down that it hinders your relationship with God don't drag it so far down that it weighs on your shoulders and it weighs on your heart hey they cry into God you shed tears into God over your lost folks I've shed many of them myself over lost people I ain't saying to quit doing any of those things but do not let it get you to a point where it's hindering your relationship with God or hindering your prayer life your communication with the Almighty let the dead go and bury their dead God is a God of the living not of the dead he's my God he's my God Paul said in one of his letters that is speaking to Jesus Christ says the Lord of the dead boy that sounds kind of contradictory don't it that contradictory at all he is Lord of the dead he's Lord over everything hey he made it all he said he the Bible says over in the Old Testament he said I kill and I make a lie he's the very one that determines those things he's the very one that decides who lives and who died so yes he's the Lord of the living yes he's the God of the living and yes he's the Lord of the dead and the God of the dead he is Lord and God over all these dead folks out here probably heard that scripture twisted and said Jesus don't care about me anyway he said he's the God of the living not the God of the dead Jesus carried enough to die on the cross for that very sin of them saying that that very sin of them thinking that Jesus died on that cross he died for the unbelievers he died for those that have we believe he died for the prostitutes he died for the publicans died for the alcoholics the dopeheads and everyone else folks he died for all he shed his blood for all everyone has opportunity to have their sins wiped clean away and be made white as snow that

[20:08] God wants them to repent God wants them to be white and to be pure hallelujah just like he made me just like he made me folks he didn't make me perfect on this on this outside I still see him he didn't make he didn't make this flesh perfect but I'm guaranteed perfect flesh one of these days there's gonna be one of these days I I believe with all my heart I'll be able to hold out my hands just like this I won't have a wrinkle one on them fingers I have a feeling one of these days I'll be able to look in the mirror and I won't have one single sign of crow's feet in my eyes one of these days praise God I know for a fact I won't be wearing this pump on my side I won't need these glasses I won't need any of these things we won't have need to make prayer requests for one another because we will allow that perfect bodies in a perfect place with a perfect God praise God he's a God of the living he's a God of me he's the God of you he is not the God of the day he is God of the living Jesus said that making a point to these people that believe not in the resurrection they believe not in the resurrection even though it was in the holy scriptures and these men should have been experts on that holy scripture lie I said if they go just a little ways past not far past the book of Deuteronomy at all the last of the five books of Moses if they had just got over there into some of the books of Samuel and Samuel and taken heed of it taken heed to David saying what what he did about his baby taken heed to what Daniel says in the prophets taken heed to what the Psalms say taken heed to all of these things if they had just paid attention to those things Jesus would have would have never had this conversation with you there would have been no need to have had this particular conversation with them because they would have understood that there was a resurrection of the dead and a life everlasting and folks it's all throughout the

[22:16] New Testament it's all throughout the Old Testament I have no reason to doubt that resurrection of the dead I have no reason to doubt that one day that's gonna happen and folks I don't care if you think it'll happen pre-tribulation mid-tribulation or post-tribulation the rapture of the church everyone getting their own bodies I could care less when you think that will happen my Bible says that it will happen that's what I'm sticking with we can debate all night long over when that's gonna happen and everybody's gonna bring up valid points we'd have three different opinions never one of them have valid points I don't care it does not matter that's some of the things that split churches it's silly stuff like that silly things like that Bible teaches us not to worry about silly things like that talking about genealogies and talking about this and that folks that ain't what matters Jesus Christ is what matters his word is what matters his word says that I have life everlasting that means when I die I go on to live somewhere or another God created me an eternal soul and I just happen to be wearing a body right now but that soul is eternal because that's how God made it hey if we didn't have an eternal soul it better believe it died and hadn't gone somewhere that would have made God a liar because the Bible says he created them in his own image and God is eternal God is eternal so vatem and Eve were created in the image of God they were created as eternal beings as eternal beings and they were just like you just like me and a soul said God picked up at him that that figure that he had moded out of the clay and out of the dust of the earth and he breathed into him to breath of life that's what that's where the breath of God enters in that's when life began for him folks when I was laying dead in a cesspool of sand it took the breath of God to breathe into me it took the breath of God by way of the holy ghost and by way of the blood of Jesus Christ to breathe into me in order for me to have life but praise God when I got it God didn't skip one bit when I got live I got live and life more abundantly hallelujah that's what you got to when you got saved we got life and life more abundantly not the dead are raised even Moses even Moses showed at the bush when he called the

[24:46] Lord the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob for he is not the God of the dead but other living for all live under him all the folks I ain't got the highest education on the planet but I know what all means I know what that word means he says he's not the God of the dead but the God of the living but all live under him God rules over us whether we're dead or alive God hey these these dead bodies are buried all over the hillside in this region God rules over that God God rules because it'll be God's word it'll be the Trump it'll it'll be God's say whenever those graves open up and the saints of God rise again God rules that he rules those bodies he rules the spiritually dead that are walking around today he rules rules the spiritually alive which are working walking around today God can use a center an unsafe center just like he can the same person he used Pharaoh in the Old Testament hey he used Nebuchadnezzar in the most of the prophets he used unsaid men to do his good pleasure and to do his good will and we know that he uses his own saints to do his good pleasure and his good will he is ruler and maker and master of all period yeah for all live under him all live under him now you tell that to a lost person you tell that somebody that has an alt against the church in that particular you tell people that you know they felt like 20 years ago the preacher was preaching directly at the end or they didn't like the fact that he looked at him while he was preaching or they didn't like the fact that he brought up Hellfire and brimstone while he was preaching and they ain't been back to church since folks God still gotta god over that person he is still Lord over that person whether they like it or not they'll deny to the bitter end that God rules them they'll say I rule myself

[26:59] I'm self-sustaining I take care of me God's never done anything for me they they failed to recognize just like these Sadducees these Sadducees had the scriptures they had the Old Testament but they aired in their interpretation of the scripture they aired and what they believed about the scripture those lost people today are no different they they'll say they don't believe in God they'll say God done them wrong they'll say God's done nothing for them in their life but they failed to realize there's only of God that their lungs their lungs breathe in air and pump out air at their body pumps blood through their veins that it's almighty God that determines if they get food on their table or they do not it's almighty God that determines where they open their eyes in the morning or they do not they fail to realize these things but that does not make God not God over them.

[27:54] Yeah, all live under him God will use them however he wants read over I believe it's in Romans 9 where Paul uses some of the Old Testament to back up his case Romans 9 is one of the most debated chapters in all scripture but Paul because Paul because some things that Paul says Paul says that he'll bless him he'll bless and he'll curse him he'll curse and folks he's God he's got everything right in the world to do that if he decided to curse me right now being one of his children if he decided to curse me to hell right now I could I couldn't make an argument he's God he can do what he wants to but his word tells me that ain't gonna happen his word and that's what I got my faith in that's what I got faith in is the word of God folks I've been preaching that God's the God of the living and not the God of the dead and I've been preaching about everlasting life hopes if God done that to one of his own children right now would that not make God a liar now listen he's still God he can do whatever he wants to but my Bible teaches that he will not do that my Bible says that he's not a man that he should lie he's not a man that he should tell a lie he cannot tell a lie Jesus Christ didn't lie never had a guy on his mouth the entire time that he walked here why on the world would he go back on his word now yeah he won't praise God for that he won't he's the God of the living he's God over me he's God over you but this is for all is unto him whether they recognize it or not whether the love recognizes or not whether they acknowledge it or not whether they like it or not all live unto God that includes me you every and every brother and sister and cousin we have and every lost person as well everybody all live unto God it's not narrowed down to just a few it's not narrowed down to just you or just Gentile or just white or just black or just anybody else all live unto God and folks next time you praise God think about that think about how he's the God of the living think about why you're praising him it's because you have life it's because he's giving you that life and it's because he was once dead but now you're alive and he is the God of the living we can get praise under God for that I ain't instructing you when to praise or how to praise I'm just saying folks there's all kinds of things that we can think about next time we lift up holy hands this is something that we can think about how we were dead now we are alive it's just like the prodigal son when he came back home and the and the older brother he came and said what what means all this noise what means a celebration and the father told him he said hey your brother who was dead is alive he was lost he's found he's here now praise God he got from God was God over that young man he was God over the father he was God over that brother he was God over Lazarus and what we talked about just a little while ago and he was God over that rich man you know we talked about just a little while ago all live unto God