Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Luke 23, beginning at verse 32, says that there were also two other malefactors led with him to be put to death. And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, there they crucified him and the malefactors, one on the right hand and the other on the left, then said Jesus, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. [0:24] And they parted his raiment and cast locks and the people stood beholding and the rulers also with him to ride at him saying he saved others, let him save himself if he be the cross, the chosen of God. And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to him and offering him vinegar and saying if he, if thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself. And the and the superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek and Latin and Hebrew, this is the king of the Jews. And one of the malefactors which were hanged, reeled on him saying if thou be Christ, save thyself and us. [1:05] But the other answering rebuked him saying, does not thou fear God, seen thou art in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly for we received the due reward of our deeds, but this man had done nothing amiss. And he said unto Jesus, Lord remember me when thou come ast into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, verily I say unto thee today thou shalt be with me in paradise. And we'll stop reading right there. So again here we have Jesus on the cross. We know that these men were thieves as per the scripture. Now I've heard that I've heard that it couldn't have been thieves that were hanging there because thieves were not crucified for their crime. And folks, my Bible says it was two thieves. So I'll just stick with the fact that it was two thieves, that that's what the Word of God says that it was, then I believe that's what it was. But nevertheless in Luke's Gospel here he says malefactors, people that were that were scared through society, people that had committed some crime in one way, shape, form, or fashion were hanging there on each side, on either side of Jesus. And we know from the book of Isaiah that the suffering servant would be numbered among the transgressors. And he was indeed here on Calvary Hill, numbered among the transgressors. But as we approach toward the end of this passage of Scripture, we see a conversation take place between the three that were there upon the cross, the one in the middle and the two on either side. It says that one of them rowed on Jesus saying, if you're who you say you are, if you are indeed the Son of the living God, if you are indeed Messiah, come in the flesh, save yourself, and save us. Now folks, Matthew and Mark's account doesn't have the next the next little bit in it. All it says is that there were two thieves hanging on either side of [3:13] Jesus and they both rowed on Jesus. They both spoke badly in the direction of Jesus. We don't have what Luke has here in his account. But I think Luke has the accurate account here. I think that in those six hours that my Savior was hanging on that cross, I think that there were more than one conversation that took place. I think that there were things said, there were things heard, there were things felt, there were all kinds of things that were going on during the six hours that my Savior was hanging upon a cross. And I believe that as the hour came down and this null effector knew that his death time was at hand, that he wouldn't be hanging there overnight. He wouldn't hang there till in the evening. He knew that they were going to come by. They would break his legs so that he would suffocate and asphyxiate in his own blood. He knew that this time was coming and he saw the inscription that would have been above Jesus Christ. He saw that this was indeed the king of the Jews. [4:24] And don't you think for one moment that those men didn't know the day before that they would be crucified, the day that they were. Don't you think for one second that they didn't know there was a man named Barabbas that was supposed to be hanging there with them on a tree. Don't you think for a second that these things were not so. This man, this one that looked at Jesus and said, when thou come into thy kingdom, remember me. He would have known all of these things. He would have been aware of what was going on, what was about to go on and what would go on. And he asked Jesus, remember me. Hallelujah. He was able to look past that bloody mess that was there on that cross. [5:20] He was able to look past all the blood, all the guts, all the gore. Most of the Bible says there was no beauty to be desired in him. The Bible says, the Bible does not give a very detailed account of what our Savior would have looked like. The folks, he had been whipped. He had had the flesh yanked from his back. He had been beat by the Roman soldiers. He had had his beard not cut off. [5:50] It was yanked out of his face, not just one or two hairs at a time. They would have been getting handfuls and pulling his beard out of his face. They had mocked him. They had beat him in the face. They at one point, they blindfolded him and they smited him and they said, Prophecyan does who smited thee. Hey folks, he would have been nothing but a bloody hooking mess there on that cross. But this malefactor that was hanging on the other side of him was able to look past all that. He was able to look past the blood. He was able to look past how tired Jesus was, how much he was suffering. He was able to see beyond all of that and to see his only opportunity for salvation. Hey folks, when I got saved, I had to look past everything I'd ever known and see salvation that was only in Jesus Christ. And when Jesus saved me, my goodness, my goodness, [6:56] I guarantee you, I felt a lot like this thief on the cross. I felt a lot like this malefactor. It wasn't a deathbed confession for me. No, I'm still here. I'm still going. But folks, nevertheless, that was a time of my life I will not forget. But what were his words to Jesus? [7:16] He said, Remember me. Remember me when you come into your kingdom. Remember me. Folks, what was he afraid of? What was he afraid of? He was afraid because he was looking at from the human perspective. He was looking at it from your perspective and from mine. He was afraid that once Jesus got back to glory. He was afraid once he walked back into the Father's house and he took up his residence back on the long side of the Father. He was afraid of these things. Once he done that, he was afraid he'd forget all about the state that was on the cross. He'd forget all about his time here on earth. Hey folks, this shows me that he didn't completely understand the mission of Jesus Christ. He didn't completely understand exactly who Jesus Christ was, what he was here for, or anything else to the matter. But he understood enough and he had enough faith to give me shame that day while he hung there upon a cross. He had enough faith to say, my God, what did you get in the glory? Remember me. He was afraid Jesus would forget him. [8:33] Folks, you flip from here all the way back to Genesis. From here all the way back to Genesis, you read about a man named Joseph, wrongly thrown into prison, falsely accused of trying to rape Potiphar's wife and he was thrown into the prisons. And while he was there, he came to pass that Pharaoh's baker and Pharaoh's butler got thrown down there with them. [8:58] They had some dreams and Joseph interpreted their dreams for them while they were down there in that prison. He didn't have a very good interpretation for the baker. He said, you're going to be killed. [9:11] You're going to die. But the butler, he said, you're going to be restored back to your position. You're going to be restored back to that, which you did do. But he asked him. He asked him. He said, when you get out there, remember me. Remember me. Hey, throw a good word in for me whenever you get back up out of this prison. Hey, tell Pharaoh, I'm really not that bad of a guy. Remember me when you go. But folks, when the butler went up, hey, he forgot all about Joseph's down there. It wasn't until Pharaoh had some dreams of his own that the butler said, hey, I recall this little Jewish boy that was down there in the prisons. I recall this one that was over the things at Potiphar's house. I recall that he was able to interpret dreams. Hey, God's got a time for everyone to make themselves known for him to make them know. God's got a time to bring us up out of the prison. God's got a time to let our talent show. God's got a time for it all. He had a time for Joseph and he had a time for this malefactor that was hanging on a cross with my Savior. God's got a time for it all. [10:22] That butler, he didn't remember Joseph. Folks, what does Jesus say? We're in Luke 23 right now. If you flip back one chapter, just one chapter in the same gospel, you'll find the Last Supper and you'll find where Jesus broke bread with the disciples he had been traveling with for over three years. These men that should have known him better than anyone else did. And he said, hey, when he broke bread, he said, this is my body. This is my body. It's being broken. It's being given for you. Take, eat. This is my flesh. And he said, do this in remembrance of me. In remembrance of me, you need to do this. Folks, how could we forget our Savior? Why would Jesus feel it necessary to give them a ritual or a religious ceremony of some kind to go through to remember? I'll tell you why. Because those disciples are no different than me and they are no different than you. We walk through this lie and the world catches our attention. We walk here and there. Are we going to work? Are we going to school? Are we going to wherever? And something else will grab our attention before you know it. We have forgotten who our Savior is. Jesus said, you do this in remembrance of me because he knew sooner or later the disciples would forget him. Don't take my word for it. [11:48] Read John chapter 21. The angel told the disciples. He said, after the resurrection and everything, angel told the disciples, go to Galilee. He'll meet you there. Go to Galilee. [12:02] That's where he's going to meet you all. That's what he told you before. Hey, he ain't going back on his word now. Go to Galilee. They went to Galilee. They waited around a little while. Next thing you know, Peter says, I go a fishing. I'm tired of waiting around here. I'm tired of waiting on Jesus to show up. And the rest of them followed him. There were seven men out there on that lake that were fishing. They had done for God the promises that Jesus Christ had spoke to him, that the angel had spoke to them. They had already given up shame on them and shame on us. Shame on me for forgetting about my Jesus. How could I forget? Oh, she saved my soul. He saved my soul from a well deserved hell. From a hell that I deserve. I deserve every flame, every ounce, every bit of pain, every bit of torment. I deserve everything that Jesus Christ suffered on the cross, blessed eternal hell forevermore. I deserve these things. He saved me from those sins. How could I forget my Savior? [13:08] But yeah, he had to tell the disciples. He had to tell them, do this. Do this and remember to me. You've turned over to 1 Corinthians chapter 11 and Paul talking about communion supper, talking about the drinking of the wine and the eating of the bread, talking about these things. [13:29] And he quotes Jesus. He quotes Jesus. As far as the scriptural account goes, Paul never spent one minute with Jesus Christ. I mean, while he was here in his earthly ministry, he never did. Now Paul was taught of Jesus Christ after everything was said and done. [13:48] And the scripture back set up, the scripture explicitly says that, but while Jesus Christ was here when he was having that last supper with those disciples, Paul was not there. But he quotes what Jesus said, this do in remembrance of me, this thief, this malifactor, this one that said, that told the other. He says, you and I, we deserve what we're getting. You and I deserve this, but this man's done nothing to miss. He said, remember me, don't forget me, Jesus. Hey folks, I'm glad, I'm tickled pink to tell you, when my sins were forgiven, they were cast into the same forgetfulness. If there is something to be forgotten, it's my sins that come to that Almighty God has forgiven through faith in Jesus Christ. If there's anything to be forgotten, that's what it, God doesn't forget my name. He doesn't, he doesn't forget who I am. He doesn't forget that he saved me. And I'll tell you why God Almighty doesn't forget that because I've got an intercessor and I've got a mediator sitting at his right hand. That's the same one that this malifactor was screaming to that day upon the cross. I've got the same mediator saying, [15:02] Lord Father, this is one of mine. This is one that I died for. This is one that accepted me, has been washed in my blood. I haven't forgotten him. I remember him. Lord, this is one that is mine. [15:18] Hallelujah. I've got the same intercessor, the same one. Folks, I don't think you forgot this man here. Now he said, I shall be with me in paradise where Jesus go when he died. [15:34] He went into paradise. He went into the heart of the earth. Did he not? And that one scripture tells us that's where paradise was. Hey, listen, hell, Hades, whatever you want to call it in the scriptures, the Hebrew, a she-o, whatever you want to call it, that and paradise were not so far apart. Hey folks, I understand there was a great gulf fixed between the two of them in the parable that Jesus spoke in Luke 15 of the rich man in Lazarus. I understand that, but the rich man was able to see in the paradise. He was able to see everything that was going on. He was able to talk unto Abraham. He was able to do all these things. But folks, I tell you now, hell and heaven is a far cry from what hell and paradise was with the Bible says rather to be helped from the body and to be prison with the Lord hallelujah. When I get up there, I don't think I'm going to have one glimpse into hell. Hey, it would be impossible for me to have eternal bliss and eternal happiness if that were the case, but I think that everybody in hell is going to know what's going on in heaven. And that's going to be part of the torture. That's going to be part of their torture. I think they'll see, [16:59] I think they'll know, I think they'll hear every sermon they ever heard preached, I think they'll hear the name Jesus Christ, I think they'll hear about the blood, I think they'll hear the gospel every time in their life they ever heard it preached, ever heard it presented, every time they ever heard mommy say, so let's get ready and go to church and the son and his teenage years said, no mama, I don't think I'm going to go this time. I'm tired of hearing that preacher spitting slobber and scream about this man Jesus. I think these things will ring in their ears for all their time in hell for all of eternity. I think that will be part of the suffering that they will have, but folks that's not even the worst part of it. The worst part is the hell is a real place. It is a place of torment, of outer darkness, where there's weeping and willing and gnashing teeth, but the worst part of hell is there is no hope to ever escape that place. It is a crassless place and without cross presence we are without hope. This man here, the one malefactor said, remember me, remember me. Folks, he thought Jesus was going to forget, that's why he said what he did. He thought to win Jesus. After all was said and done. [18:15] Folks, his very words are confirmation that he thought that Jesus was Messiah, that he thought he was the promised seed of David. And it's also proof that this man here was a Jew because they broke his legs. If he had been a Gentile hanging up there, they'd have let him hang up there all weekend. But the Jews and their laws were not allowed to have someone hanging on the Sabbath day. [18:45] That was forbidden. That was forbidden in the Levitical Law and the Mosaic Law. So the Romans to appease the Jews, if it happened on a Thursday or a Friday and whoever it was, if they were still alive, they would break their legs and they'd kill them before Sabbath began at 6 p.m. on Friday evening. So that shows me that both of these men here were Jews. Folks, the thing is, both of these men, according to Scripture, both of them were guilty of the same crime. [19:16] Both of them were guilty of being thieves. They had stole something. I don't know what it was. Scripture doesn't tell us. But they had been tried. At first they had been accused. They had been tried. They had been found guilty and they had been sentenced all in the same crime. But folks, one of them here believed Jesus. And when he said that, remember me. Jesus said, about today, that shall be with me in paradise. Today, that shall be with me in paradise. [19:53] One of the most amazing things about this whole account, and I've preached this at Funerals, is that this was a king hanging on the cross. This was King Jesus. He had the superscriptions above his head that this is Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. [20:10] It depends on which account you read it, what it said. But either way, it specified him as King of the Jews. He was a king. When kings went into battle and they won, what did they come back to town doing? They come back to downtown Parang, their prisoners of war around. They would say, I've caught this one. And if the king of whatever town or country that it was, if they caught him alive, that was the prize, jewel there. They would come back. That king would be on his knees. He would be hogtied, just sitting straight up against a stake. And they would parade him around the towns of whatever country that this king was coming back to. But my king, when he came here and he was on that cross suffering and bleeding and dying, hey, what did he take out of here with him? He didn't take another king. He didn't take another army. He didn't take a weapon. The man took nothing more than a low life good for nothing thief that the Roman government had deemed was not fit to live on this earth anymore. My king, King Jesus, he came here. He didn't come here for the kings. He didn't come here for the prestigious. He didn't come here for the religious elite. I understand he came for all, but the Bible says that the publicans and the harlots would enter in to the kingdom before the Pharisees and the scribes and all of these others would enter in. My king, king, for those that would accept him, when he left out of here, when he went to paradise, he took a reject from this world with them. Hallelujah. If you're sitting here saying good morning again right now, you are nothing more than a reject. And you've been rejected by the world because of your affiliation with Jesus Christ. It ain't nothing to do with who you are or what you've done. It is everything to do with who my Savior is and what He has done. It is everything to do with Jesus Christ. [22:09] Nothing to do with us. He said, remember me, remember me. And the cross did that. The cross remembered a lowly good for nothing thief, a good for nothing person. And I said, Rome, the most powerful government in the world at this time, hadn't even seen fit that he should live anymore. [22:38] They saw it fit that he should be crucified. My Jesus said, you're going to live and you're going to have life and you're going to have it more abundantly. And you're going to be in paradise with me this day. You'll have life and life eternal. Hey, Jesus Christ said himself in John chapter five, he said, if we believe in the words that he said, if we believe and we believe in the one that sent him and we believe in God the Father and we believe in the words that Jesus Christ said, he said, any man that does this hath eternal life. Hey folks, that's the present tense at the moment of salvation. We obtain eternal life. I don't have to wait till I die to get it. I've got it dwelling inside me right now. Jesus said that he is the life. Jesus said he was the resurrection and bless God. He is the resurrection and him was a lot of men and him was a lot of love. He is love and he is life more abundantly when I got Jesus and I got sin. I got life eternal. Hallelujah. [23:46] Praise God. This thief, this good for nothing person here we're reading about. He went no different than me. I was just as good for nothing as he was before I was saved. And the only thing that makes me worth anything now is Jesus Christ. That is all that makes me worth anything is Jesus Christ. I've proved and taught it before. If you take the materials that you're that you're talking out of, you take the clay, you take the iron, you take the magnesium, you take the sulfate, you take the salt, you take all these things that compose your body and you break them down. [24:24] You're worth less than two dollars. Less than two dollars. Less than two dollars I'm worth. But Jesus Christ came and died for me. Something that was worthless and two dollars by the world standards. They folks that have been the world's eyes. I ain't worked the whole lot. When I was lost, the world thought that I was great. They thought that I was brand. They thought I was a fine person. But when I got saved, the world rejected me. The world hated my guts because Jesus Christ said, if the world hates you, know that it hated me first. You will be reviled of all men for my name's sake is what the man said. Therefore, if the world hates you, praise God for it. That means you want to hate us. When the world rejects you, praise God for it. Give an extra hallelujah to under God. If the world hates your guts, because that's a good sign that you're a child of the king. [25:24] You're a child. You're chosen. You are part of the elect. Praise God. When the world hates me, I have no other choice but to praise God for it. Because I certainly ain't going back to the world. [25:36] They have nothing to offer me. This thief here. Hey folks, this whole account here, it blows well, works base salvation straight out of the water. This man obtained salvation here. The one that asked Jesus to remember his hands were nailed to a cross. His feet were nailed to a cross. [25:56] He could do no works for his salvation. This was pure grace from Jesus Christ. It's a grace based salvation. I can't do nothing to be saved. I can't do nothing to stay saved. I can't do nothing to get home one of these days. Salvation is of the Lord and the Lord is salvation. Period. Period. If you have works, it's because you're saved. Not to keep you saved or to get you saved. This man could do no works. It was impossible for him to do that. Not only that, the folks, before he believed, before he believed, he was dead. Paul said in Ephesians chapter 2, we are dead in our trespasses and sins. This was Paul, a Pharisee of the Pharisee, the Jew of the Jews, of the stock of Benjamin, sat under the feet of Gamalil, the greatest Jewish teacher of that time. He said, I count all these things for done, but to no cross, to no cross. This thief, he was dead in his trespasses and sins. [27:13] Folks, dead people can't do anything. They lay there or they hang there in this case. When you were dead in your trespasses and your sins, you could do nothing to bring God to you. [27:26] You couldn't shout. You couldn't throw a hand up. You couldn't wave your hand. You couldn't do jumping jacks. You could do nothing to get God's attention. God had to look down and see you floating in that cesspool of filth that you were in. And he had to say, hey, there's one of mine. I'm going down there to rescue them. They're unable to move on their own. They're not even breathing down there. Why weren't we breathing? Because we were dead in our trespasses and sins. This man here was about to die a physical death. But little did he know just six hours before this that he was about to obtain life and obtain an eternal immortal life with Jesus Christ. I'd say if he would have known that six hours before this happened, he would have probably went up Calvary's here whistling. [28:17] Hey folks, I'm persuaded. There ain't no Bibles backing up. There ain't no church history to back it up or nothing else. I am persuaded that Paul was smiling on his way to Nero's chop block. You think of what Paul had suffered and Jesus said it would be that way. Hey, in the book of Acts, he said, I've got to show him what things he must suffer for my name's sake. Paul was shown that he would suffer. The man was shipwrecked, bore them once. The man was beat and whipped more than once. The man was marooned on these occasions. He was mocked. He was beat. He was stoned and lived for dead. Hey, the man had a ministry of suffering. Don't you think for a second when he wrote the Timothy and said, Hey, I finished the course. I finished my race. I kept the faith. I'm going home to my Jesus. He said to the people on the cross today, now shall be with me in paradise. I'm going to be my Lord today. I think he had a grand of my wife on his way to that chopping block. If he was sad, if there was any tenderness of saddening in Paul, it was because he knew he wouldn't be here to preach anymore. I've heard it said, Brother Debra Gillette, [29:32] I heard him say it one time. He said, I want my kids to get saved. Him and Martha's got three. I won't say young, they're under 30s, but they've got young, they've got children. He said, I won't say I'm all saved. He said, my concern is when I die, there'll be nobody left to pray for him. [29:55] That was his concern for his children. He wasn't as as as fixed. I'm going to see his Jesus. I've no doubt in my mind, in my heart, Delvets are born again child of God, but he wasn't so fixed on that as he was worried about his children. What this man here on the cross do when the other one said, if you're indeed the Christ, get us off here and yourself. What the one that asked him to remember him say? He testified to him. He said, this man's done nothing to miss. [30:32] You and I deserve what we're getting. That was a testimony. Now, folks, this was a deathbed confession. It was a deathbed salvation if ever there was one for this one hanging here on the cross, but he still had enough time to testify of Jesus Christ. He still had enough time to testify. [30:48] Hey, he's never had Gal found in his mouth. He's never done anything to miss. He hasn't stole. He hasn't lied. He hasn't caused insurrection against the Roman government. He hasn't murdered. [31:00] He has done none of these things. This man testified on his deathbed of the goodness of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. And here we are in a lot better shape than what this fellow was. I guarantee you this man on the cross, the one that said, remember me, he was having the absolute worst day of his life hanging there on that cross, but yet he was still able to testify. He was still able to talk about the goodness of God and the goodness of Jesus Christ and the unblemished state of this Lamb of God that was there on that cross. Here we are in a whole lot better health than what he was at this time, and we have a hard time with it. Shame on us. We have a hard time talking about the goodness of Jesus Christ with other people. We have a hard time for whatever reason when God lays it on our heart. Hey, witness about me. Tell this one about me. Tell that cashier. Tell that bus boy. Tell whoever it is. Tell them about me. Tell them how good I've been to you. Oh Lord, they just might not want to hear that. Shame on us. Shame on us. And I've been guilty of it. I have. And if you're honest with yourself and you have too, we've all been guilty of it. We fuss about Jesus selling [32:17] Jesus 30 pieces of silver. You've sold them out for a lot less than I have too. Everyone else has. Everyone else at some point in our Christian walk have sold them for less than 30 pieces of silver. [32:29] Everyone else are guilty of that. But Jesus said to him, barely I say to them today, today, that shall be with me in paradise. Now folks, I have read and I've heard it preached. [32:46] I've heard it told. I've taught it and preached it myself. The day is some weird ideas about this entire account that are out there. You be cautious of those ideas. If it don't sound like it matches up with scripture, it probably don't. I have heard, I said, first getting into this, I have heard that this man obtained his salvation, the one that said, remember me when you come into your kingdom. [33:16] I've heard this man obtained his salvation because Mary stood between him, the thief, and Jesus. She stood in the middle and she obtained his salvation for him. I bet you can't guess what kind of commentary that came out of it. I've heard that. I have heard that as the day went on, like I said, they were six hours on those crosses. We know for certain Jesus was six hours on his and we can assume with fairly good certainty that the other two were six hours as well. But there were six hours passed in that day. I have heard that as the sun moved around, the shadow of Jesus cast itself on that thief and that's what caused him to repent. Folks, what happened to believe and repent? Yeah, really? What happened to just follow what the word of God says? Jesus said it himself. When his ministry first began in the gospel of morning and in the gospel of Matthew, it is recorded. Jesus said, repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. [34:20] Repent, folks. That's what it takes for this day. That's what it takes for salvation. It'll take belief in Jesus Christ and it'll take repentance of your sin. And if you truly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and you truly believe that he's coming back as judge one of these days, as the scripture says he will, he will. Hey, folks, that is enough to cause anyone to repent of their sins. If they read about the judge that I read about in the scriptures, they would be repenting. The problem is people have a false repentance. They have a false salvation. They have a false sense of security because they are worshiping some idol that they have concocted in their own minds. And they call this idol Jesus. It ain't the Jesus of my Bible. It ain't the Jesus of the scriptures. It's a Jesus that says you can do whatever you want to and you'll be all right. [35:17] It's a Jesus that says you don't have to repent. It's a Jesus that says continue on in your sins. Never mind what Jesus told that woman that was brought to him in adultery when he said, neither do I condemn they go and sin no more. Never mind that he said go and sin no more. [35:34] Never mind that, folks, we sin every day but we don't go out and we don't wallow in our sin. We don't go out to the pigsty and run and roll around in the fields. We don't go to the places that we once did. We don't act the same way we did. We don't hang out with the same people that we once did. Why is that? Because when we are born again, we are made new creatures in Christ and new creatures in Christ. Don't do the same old things. They do what Jesus says. They do what this Bible says to the best, the absolute best of their ability. That's what a new creature in Christ does. Folks, there's a whole lot more we can learn from this tape on the cross. [36:17] Remember me. Remember me is what he said. Remember me is what Jesus said. Do this in remembrance of me. Folks, we should never, never, never, ever forget our Savior. I should never forget my Savior. But we're all guilty of everyone I was had.